Solace \SOL-is\, noun:
1. Comfort in time of grief; alleviation of grief or anxiety.
2. That which relieves in distress; that which cheers or consoles; a source of relief.

transitive verb:
1. To comfort or cheer in grief or affliction; to console.
2. To allay; to soothe; as, “to solace grief.”

Surrounded by unhappiness at home, John Sr. early on found solace and certainty in the realm of science and technology.
— Sylvia Nasar, A Beautiful Mind

But immediately afterwards he dispels the agony by finding his customary solace in tales of chivalry.
— Andre Philippus Brink, The Novel: Language and Narrative from Cervantes to Calvino

It provided some solace that three large, highly conservative insurance companies were willing to bet on my life.
— Michael D. Eisner with Tony Schwartz, Work in Progress

Lillian’s Lutheranism, with its harsh creed that suffering was a sign of God’s favor, solaced her.
— Lois W. Banner, Finding Fran

Solace comes from Latin solacium, from solari, “to comfort; to console.” Entry and Pronunciation for solace

This is one of my very favorite episodes of South Park. Stan and Wendy break-up and he goes all goth until he learns how grown-ups deal with pain:

You want a link? Right here buddy!